Prodotti - Reticulate | Anci
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DELIVERABLE 1 – Models and tools for identifying the processes and levels of integration of social services (WP 1 – Task 1.1)

DELIVERABLE 2 – Summary report of the critical issues identified in the interactions between the services of the concerned areas (WP 1 – Task 1.1, 1.2 e 1.3)

DELIVERABLE 3 – Synthesis of Multi-Professional Diagnostic and Therapeutic Care Pathways in the Four Contexts of Analysis (WP 1 – Task 1.1 and 1.2)

DELIVERABLE 4 – Summary Report of Capacity Building Schemes (WP 1 – Task 1.3)

RETICULATE Project (n. VP/2020/003/0214) – D1. Deliverable Methodology for the active recruitment of target groups of the project actions – (WP2 – task 2.1, 2.3) by fio.PSD December, 2022

RETICULATE Project (n. VP/2020/003/0214) – D2. Deliverable – Report on the Development of Generative Approaches Based on the Key Role Played by Citizens in the Caretaking Actions (WP2 – task 2.1, 2.3) by fio.PSD May, 2023

RETICULATE Project (n. VP/2020/003/0214) – D3. Deliverable – Modelling of the experimented participatory assessment techniques and report of participatory assessment (WP2 – task 2.1, 2.3)
by fio.PSD April, 2024

D4.8: Final conference/ Networking and Experience sharing event

D5.1_Communication and dissemination Plan and Toolkit WP5 – D5.1

D5.4 – The comparative report including the description of all the practices analysed, the report including the results of the survey realised at EU level and the delivery of the handbook in English detailing project management procedures, tools and basic templates

Reticulate project Monitoring Plan WP6 D. 6.1 April 2022

Evaluation Plan 2022-10

D6.5 – Final Evaluation Report at the end of the project

PROJECT MANAGEMENT HANDBOOK – WP7 – D7.1 Project Management Handbook

D7.2 Quality Plan – Quality Protocol Detailing Quality Regime, Procedures and Tools for Quality Assurance

D7.3 Strategy Report: How to reach the project goal