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In Italy, at local and national level, as in many European countries, the response to the complex challenges of inclusion passes through fragmented, complex and multi-level welfare systems. The challenge is to ensure integrated access to basic services. This is a strategic approach to make measures to fight poverty and social exclusion effective…
of integrated services able to offer support for access to income support systems, labour inclusion and primary goods and services.
Go to pagebetween public service providers, civil society and end users through their involvement in participatory processes.
Go to pageof One Stop Shops, as physical spaces where non-stigmatised responses and integrated services are made available to people.
Go to pageof the experimentation and promote structural improvements in the service system.
Go to pageAfter an initial study phase of the existing models in the 4 pilot areas, which also includes paths of dialogue and co-design of services together with end users, and a study of existing models in Italy (Piana di Lucca, Turin, Palermo) and in Europe (in Greece and Belgium), the project tests a true innovative model…