23 Apr Integrated Minimum Income The example of Xeitu and Reticulate Projects
Today, the RETICULATE project is in Brussels.
The event will focus on the dissemination of two EU Programme for Employment and Social Innovation (EaSI) Projects, Reticulate and xEITU, coordinated respectfully by the Association of Tuscan Municipalities (ANCI Toscana) and Asturias Region.
The event will focus on the coordination of social, employment and health services for an effective minimum income support toward the active inclusion of deprived populations
The projects’ objectives aimed to firstly improve the support through income schemes, then the employment activation and eventually the access to services.
In detail, the projects focused on:
- strengthening the functioning of the professionals dedicated to income support measures;
- boost the consolidation of multidisciplinary teams in social services;
- improve the collaboration between local authorities and third sector networks in the co-designing of supporting income schemes and to promote active inclusion;
- promote more people-centred care schemes;
The event will host coordinators from other EaSI Projects, representatives of EU Institutions, European Networks, public administrations and other stakeholders interested in the event topic.