15 Feb Study Visit Athens
Study visit di 2 giorni ad Atene, 21 e 22 giugno 2022 (21 pomeriggio e 22 mattina)
I partner di Reticulate sono stati accolti durante il primo giorno dal Directorate for the fight against poverty (Greek Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs) e il secondo giorno dalla municipality of Galatsi.
Racconto delle due giornate
The Directorate for the Fight against Poverty of the Hellenic Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs is of particular interest for the role played by integrating different institutions in the delivery of the new measured called GMI (Guaranteed Minimum Income), and especially its strategic design and monitoring. The GMI, launched in 2017 is a welfare program that combines income support (1th pillar), complementary social services (2th pillar), actions for integration and reintegration into the labour market (3th pillar). The system is digitalized and foreseen support from Municipalities or Community Centers for those not familiar with new technologies.

1° giorno, al Directorate for the Fight against Poverty of the Hellenic Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs (Atene)
Welcome speech was done by Ms. Athina Diakoumakou – General Director of the Social Welfare at Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs, Greece.
Mr George Planiteros Director of Fight Against Poverty, presented the social protection system in Greece, analysing in detail the Guaranteed Minimum Income (GMI) scheme and the role of the Community Centers.
Communitycentres are the intersection between the GuaranteedMinimumIncome (GMI) program and applicants. Designed by the Hellenic Ministry of Labour, the centres are currently located in 250 municipalities. In the community centre every citizen can be informed on all government allowances a person is entitled to in the public authorities. Community centres also provide counselling services for finding a job.
Mr Alfonso Lara Montero, European Social Network – made a presentation on “Integrated social services for unaccompanied children & migrant families”
Ms ChiaraCrepaldi, Italian Institute for Social Research (IRS – Istituto di Ricerca Sociale) discussed about the main feature of the four One-Stop-Shop Models from Spain, Germany, Belgium, and Greece, considered as best practices for the implementation of the Model which will be tested in Tuscany in the second half of the project lifetime.

2° giorno, al Community Centre nel municipio di Galatsi (giusto fuori Atene)
Il secondo giorno è stato dedicato ad uno scambio di esperienze con il Cultural Centre Kamini, nel comune di #Galatsi. The Municipality of Galatsi extends over an area of 4,026 km2 and connects the northern residential suburbs of the area with the centre of Athens. The Galatsi and Community Centre team showed the social services activated in the municipality and their management system.
Galatsi Community Centre is a social agency that started operating in September 2017 and will continue to operate until June 2023. It is the first point of contact for the residents of the Municipality to be informed about all the benefits to which they are entitled, all bodies, services and programmes that provide social care of any kind at the level of the Municipality, the Region or the State. The Community Centre is currently staffed by 2 social workers and 1 psychologist; 1 more social worker and 1 more psychologists are expected to join the team. They provide an holistic support to the residents of the Municipality, through the provision of a comprehensive network of services aimed at combating poverty and further exploring and supporting their demands.
Late morning, there was the presentation of two NGOs that cooperate with the municipality